Overview of Practice Management

Practice Management provides a high-level view of all businesses in your practice/organization. You can view details like last upload date, pending documents or upcoming deadlines of your clients. You can also manage your practice staff and branding from the Practice Management Portal.

To navigate to Practice Management screen; click on the “Practice Management” option from gear-menu.

Practice Management

Practice Management Portal has following 3 pages;

  1. Practice Dashboard
  2. Practice Staff
  3. Practice Profile
Practice Dashboard

Practice Dashboard contains a list of all businesses in your organization. You can navigate to any business by clicking on the business name.

Practice Dashboard shows important details about the businesses like Business Type, Integrated Accounting Software and counts of documents by status.

You can also manage key dates for all businesses from this page. To learn more about the Key Dates feature in Receipt Bot, please refer to this article: Manage key business dates and deadlines. From the Practice Dashboard page; you can mark key dates as completed.

Practice Staff

Practice Staff page allows you to manage access of you staff members to Receipt Bot practice or assign ownership of your organization to any other user. For further information on how to invite/remove access of your staff member, please follow this article: Manage users’ access to organization/practice.

Practice Profile

Practice profile page allows you to manage branding of your practice so that it can be embedded into Receipt Bot and shown to your clients. You can follow this article to learn more about: Maintain your practice branding.

Mobile Apps

Receipt Bot practice management features are limited to web app only and not available in Receipt Bot mobile apps.

Next Step

Maintain your practice branding

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