View Credits and Subscription Details from Mobile

Receipt Bot mobile apps are designed to assist you in scanning and submitting your documents for automated data entry. You can check out your credit usage and take advantage of all the features available in the app. While the mobile app is part of an ecosystem, it does not currently offer the ability to manage subscription-related activities such as upgrading or canceling. However, these actions can easily be performed through the Receipt Bot website or by contacting our customer support team.

In this article, we will explain the feature available in the Receipt Bot mobile app related to subscription and billing.

Overview of the Subscription and Billing page

You can find the following sections on the subscription and billing page in the Receipt Bot mobile app:

Account Subscription

Here you will find info about your subscription status and current plan.

Subscription status can be any of the following:

  • Active
  • In Trial
  • Cancelled
  • Cancellation scheduled

You can find details about the available plans in the Receipt Bot from the following page:
Receipt Bot Pricing page

Last Invoice Details

You will find information relevant to the current billing period for which the last invoice was issued under the last invoice details section, it includes the following details:

  • Invoice number: It is a reference to the bill sent to you on the invoice date.
  • Invoice status: It specifies the payment status for the last issued invoice. It can be any of the following: Paid, Payment Due and Voided.
  • Invoice date: It is the date at which the invoice was issued by Receipt Bot and it is also the start date for the billing period. The credits charged by Receipt Bot on your account are calculated from the invoice date till the renewal date.
  • Renewal date: It is the date when the current billing will be closed, and any credit balance is carried forward to the next period based on the billing terms.
  • Amount billed: The amount charged to your account for the billing period.

Here you will find info about the credit calculation for the current billing period:

  • Credits Purchase: This shows the credits you received based on the subscribed plan for the current period. (You get 30 FREE credits on your first account with Receipt Bot for trying out the application.)
  • Credit Brought Forward: These are the credits carried forward from the previous billing period. Receipt Bot allows credits to be carried forward for up to six months on an active and paying subscription.
  • Credits Adjustment: It shows any credits that are adjusted by the billing team. For example, any additional credits received for trying out a beta feature launched in Receipt Bot. 
  • Invoice and Receipt Processed: The count of purchase/sale documents processed for the current billing period. 
  • Invoice and Receipt Credits: The sum of credits charged for the processed purchase/sale documents processed. It costs one credit per invoice transaction.
  • Bank Statement Pages Processed: The count of bank statement pages processed for the current billing period.
  • Bank Statements Credits: The credits charged against the processed bank statements for the current billing period. Receipt Bot charges three credits per bank statement page.
  • Other Document Pages Processed: The documents which are neither sale/purchase invoices nor bank/card statements are processed as other documents. If you request grid extraction for such documents then the system will charge for these documents else the system does not charge any credits.
  • Other Document Credits: The total credits charged for extracting grid data from the other documents processed in the current billing period. Receipt Bot charges two credits per “other document” page.
  • Total Credit Used: It shows the total of credits charged for the current billing period for the sale/purchase invoices, bank/card statements and other documents.
  • Credit Balance: It shows credits remaining after adjusting the total credits used from credits purchased and credits brought forward.

You can read further details about the calculation of the credits in the Receipt Bot app here:
View billing and credits utilization in Receipt Bot

Estimated Required Credits for Documents in Process Credits

Here the system will show the calculation of the credits for the documents that are in process. You can plan your Receipt Bot subscription, such that if pending documents require credits more than the credits available, you can renew your subscription earlier to ensure your documents are processed without any interruptions and avoid processing being paused due to lack of available credits.

  • Invoices In Process: The count of purchase/sale invoices in the queue. 
  • Bank Statement Pages in Process: The count of bank/card statements in the processing queue.
  • Other Document Pages in Process: The count of “other documents”in the queue.
  • Estimated Required Credits: The total credits required to complete the processing of all the documents in the processing queue. If you upload multiple invoices in a single document, the estimate will be updated once the document is split into one invoice per document.
Manage Subscription

Receipt Bot mobile app is part of a Receipt Bot eco-system and several features are only available on the web app. Kindly use the web app to make any changes to the billing.

You can refer to the following article related to managing subscriptions in the web app:

Subscribe to a paid plan

Change subscription

Next Steps

Manage user’s access to organization/practice

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